22nd Reunion - Tunica, Mississippi - June 20-23, 2013
The Hill 4-11 Association held its 22nd Reunion at Harrah's Casino & Hotel - in Tunica Mississippi from Thursday, June 20, 2013 through Sunday, June 23, 2013. Frank and Mabel Terry were the reunion hosts.
Youtube video of the banquet at the 2013 Hill 4-11 Association's Reunion in Tunica, MS:
Who's Attended the Reunion?
The following is a list of those who attended the reunion:
3rd Battalion, 1st Infantry:
Headquarters and Headquarters Company: Dave Eckberg, George V. Ellis, Huey Fautheree.
Alpha Company: Mike Dankert, Glyn Haynie, Ed Lemberger, W. Michael Morgan, Dusty Rhoades, Sam Rice, Jose Santiago, Harold Steadman, Phillip "Dale" Swafford, David Woelfel, Charlie Wood.
Bravo Company: Gene Brown, Bill Conklin, Nolan Cross, Jerry Dinkel, Jerry Dover, Ed Dyer, Bryan Ergang, Ed Grabowski, George Hardman, Robert Hartman, Dick Hill, Tom Petty, Leslie Porterfield, Mickey Prebble, Larry Reynolds, Greg Smith, Sandy Tomasini, Larry Trigg, Jim Vitale.
Charlie Company: Mike Burr, Thomas Galabiz, Mike Gray, Al Hahm, John Hillier, Richard Morris, Gary Toth, Ron Werner, Howard Zorn.
Delta Company: Doug Babcock, Larry Baker, Robert Cereceres, Louis Courchaine, Jerry Dover, Leonard Durham, Larry Finch, Hank Hoekstra, Greg Jackson, Royce Lloyd, Mike McQueen, Silas Morgan, Donald Nelson, Edward Newton, Don Prochaska, W. Craig Smith, Clayton Vaughn, Gary Young.
Echo Company: Robert Dickson.
6th Battalion, 11th Artillery: Steve Cunningham, Richard Daube, Virgil Deckard.
E Troop, 1st Cavalry: None yet.
174th Assault Helicopter: None yet.
26th Engineer Battalion: Doug Rompf.
Other/Unknown Unit: Michael Aumenta.
Guests: Sandy Wood, widow of James Wood who served in H&HC and Charlie Companies; Leon Broussard, twin brother of Leo Broussard who served in Charlie Company and was KIA 9/12/69.